Who we are
Of anguish there is none greater in any other illness than that of mental disorders, although fortunately, it is mostly free from the excruciating pain that is associated with other illnesses. And this anguish does not come as much from the illness as that from the sense of humiliation, of being ridiculed, neglected and rejected. Ironically, anguish is suffered mostly by the family members when the patient is in an acute stage and has no control over her/his speech, actions or behaviour. This was experienced by a couple Mukul and Anjana Goswami who had undergone the struggles of ensuring care and treatment for a schizophrenic family member. Their experiences of taking care of and finally rehabilitating the family member suffering from schizophrenia over a period of nearly ten years made them realize that there were many families like them whose lives had changed because of having a mentally disabled person at home. This experience motivated them to start Ashadeep to facilitate the post clinical rehabilitation of such a person as even today the mental health services in North-East India are inadequate to cater to the population of over 30 million people in the region.